
Catering to the different B2B verticals



Promote your business one vertical market at a time

March, 8 2019

B2B businesses are found in every other industry or vertical right from manufacturing to retail. Wherever a business transaction occurs one can be certain to witness active participation from the B2B advisory firms as well. The fact remains as every B2C firm requires certain products, services, and professional counsel enabling every B2C firm to generate B2B activities. Realizing the significance the different industry verticals have in elevating your business thus becomes necessary.

As different markets have different needs and particularly in a B2B scenario, satisfying the customers of all the vertical markets would seem like an intimidating task. Mustering the right marketing plan or strategy to serve the customers of the different verticals will prove to be beneficial to a B2B business in the long haul, but the initial step which also plays the role of a decider in your B2B business’ success involves mastering one vertical market at a time. In fact, the most successful B2B businesses are the ones that narrow their focus to one defined market at a time.

What are B2B industries or Verticals?

An industry vertical or vertical market specifically identified as companies offering niche products or the ones that can fit into multiple industries. Typically in business markets, verticals are promising companies specializing in emerging fields often attracting investors. In fact, the term vertical is synonymous with industry which is typically used when one thinks of an industry as a market. A vertical market could be small or large depending on the niche or the various domains it could fit into. Most verticals are self-organized, having their own industry trade organization with defined shared conventions and notions of operating their business or even the language or jargons they use to describe their business.

Some of the well-known major vertical markets to name a few include manufacturing, technology, automobile, education, finance and banking, health, and legal. It is quite a common scenario where many companies falling under a specific vertical have products that are not specific to the said vertical but instead are customers’ needs-specific. For example, engineering is one of the vertical markets finding application in a broad spectrum of cross markets involving construction, innovation, and design, structure maintenance, etc.

Vertical market vs. horizontal market

Contrasting the vertical market, horizontal implies crossing industries meaning the customers are in multiple industries. As it involves multiple industries, many feel that it is larger than its counterpart, however, it varies from one horizontal market to another. For instance, a particular product which is essentially common to every company of a particular vertical will end up having a larger market compared to a horizontal product which is just a convenience rather than a necessity in the multiple industries.

Moreover, vertical selling approaches and marketing campaigns are often customized by industry making selling in verticals comparatively easier. As different industries are involved in horizontals, devising multiple pitches for every industry becomes an expensive affair particularly so when the company is small or medium-scaled. It is for this reason most often horizontal products are marketed or sold by employing vertical sales strategy especially when the particular product debuts in the market.

Successful B2B vertical market campaign strategies

Structuring B2B marketing campaigns for effectively generating leads or to promote your B2b business to specific vertical market involves strictly focused research, thoughtful and cautious planning, and the kind of content that needs to be both valuable and interesting to your target audience which could be individuals or industries. Successful vertical marketing campaigns can unearth more business opportunities and also boost the growth of your B2B business.

Research and analyze the market : Reasonably analyzing the market you're thinking about for your campaign sets the substratum for progress or, on the other hand, can keep you from investing time and money in a vertical that may not be worthwhile. To help make this assurance, you have to get an unmistakable image of the vertical's framework or components like competition, market size, barricades to growth projections, for instance.

Identify your personas and build sales support : After researching and analyzing the market, identifying your personas is the next step which will aid you in mapping their buyer route or journey to get an understanding of how they correspond and respond at each stage of the journey. While mapping, highlighting the decision-makers and influencers on par with their demographics and behaviors would further solidify your vertical market strategy.

As your sales team would be the one who would be eventually doing the sales, building a strong sales support is crucial. It involves strategizing the content and developing the optimal content to support your sales strategy. Using industry-specific vocabulary, CTAs (calls-to-action), subject lines in marketing emails, and emphasizing industry-specific trends in the content are some of the basic but most effective content marketing strategies.