



HR Compliance and Regulations: Navigating the Real Landscape

In every organisation, HR professionals must commit to continuous learning to keep pace with the ever-changing legal environment. Regular compliance training sessions covering new laws, amendments, and compliance requirements empower HR teams to effectively tackle legal issues



Strengthening Employee Retention: Identifying and Addressing Turnover Factors

Employee retention is crucial for business success. However, attracting and retaining talent remains a challenge for many companies.



Workplace Safety and Health: Ensuring a Secure Working Environment

A secure workplace forms the foundation for both employee well-being and operational efficiency. A safe working environment exerts profound effects on employees and organisations



The Role of HR in Promoting Mental Health Awareness at Work

In the contemporary working landscape, it is imperative to prioritise employee mental health and well-being.



Reskilling and Upskilling: Preparing Your Workforce for the Future

In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on employee upskilling and reskilling. In 2024, Gartner identified skills management as one of the most essential HR technologies.



Handling Difficult Conversations: Effective Communication in HR

If you are in a workplace, you must have encountered difficult conversations with your colleague. But what exactly is a difficult conversation, and how should you handle it?



Employee Feedback and Surveys: Improving Engagement and Satisfaction

In today’s face-paced economy, the well-being and engagement of employees are crucial elements for achieving business success. Employee feedback surveys act as reliable navigational tools, guiding organisations to fulfil their mission. So, what exactly are employee surveys?



Unlocking Success: Potential of Strategic Talent Management in HR

In today’s fast-paced and dynamic business culture, associations are progressively perceiving the basic job that HR plays in making long-haul progress. Strategic Talent Management goes past customary HR capabilities, underscoring the arrangement of human resources with authoritative objectives.

Navigating Cross-Cultural Diversity: Promoting Inclusivity and Understanding

Nurturing inclusivity and diversity in the workplace is pertinent as office culture is often superseded by personal differences. These can be overt or covert and lead to incompatibility, unproductivity and worse, lawsuits.



Workplace Ethics and Integrity: Creating a Culture of Trust

A proactive ethical workplace not only fosters a positive work environment but also takes extreme care in guiding the employees with insights and nurturing them with additional requirements to maximise their potential.



Building a Resilient Workforce: Strategies for Adapting to Change

An organisation's performance in today's dynamic and ever-changing business environment is greatly influenced by its ability to adapt to change



Salary Negotiation Tips: A Guide for Job Seekers and Employers

Salary negotiations are generally left for the end even though Glassdoor reports salary and compensation as one of the five most important considerations for candidates.



Leadership Development: Cultivating Strong Managers and Leaders

Strong leaders are the backbone of any organisation with a happy employee ranking. Cultivating strong managers and leaders comes after rigorous leadership development and training programmes.



Mastering the Art of Effective Onboarding for New Employees

First impressions can often have a lasting impact. Your company's onboarding process is your chance to make an excellent first impression with new employees



Harnessing the Potential of Remote Work: Strategies for Managing Virtual Teams

Remote work is a big adjustment that many companies are still undergoing to make the business employee-friendly, access global talent, cut costs, and build a strong foundation with good talent.



Creating a Winning Employer Brand: Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

Today's job market has been flooded with talents and custom-made services. Organisations across the globe are growing at a rapid rate and this accelerated growth is resulting in stringent criteria in selecting the workforce



Workplace Wellness: Fostering a Healthy and Productive Work Environment

If there were one small change which you could incorporate to make yourself and your workforce more efficient, you’d do it, right?



Managing Multigenerational Workforces: Bridging the Generation Gap

A leading human resource centre observed that the workforce around the world consisted of multiple generations.



Effective Training and Development Programmes: Investing in Employee Growth

A leading research portal claims that more than 60% of employees leave an organisation when they find zero opportunities for growth and advancement in their roles. Several people cited a lack of career growth and an inability to resonate with the organisation’s vision as the reasons for leaving their existing job roles.



Performance Management Best Practices: Setting Goals and Providing Feedback

Recent research by Deloitte shows that organisations with effective performance management processes have a workforce with 45% higher productivity.

Navigating the Recruitment Landscape: Tips for Finding Top Talent

As we approach the final quarter of 2023, the recruitment landscape is set to undergo significant changes. The Q-4 holds paramount importance for hiring managers seeking to secure the most qualified candidates for their teams before the year-end holidays.



The Future of HRM: Leveraging Automation and AI in HR Processes

According to a recent report by Gartner, about 30% of organisations use Artificial Intelligence (AI) for at least one of their major human resource (HR) processes



Striking Work-Life Balance: Prioritising Well-Being in a Fast-Paced World

As per the Harvard Business Review, employees who maintain a healthy work-life balance tend to derive greater job satisfaction and are less susceptible to workplace burnout.



Strategies for Developing High-Potential Employees and Future Leaders

Do you know that more than 80% of the growth of a company is steered by 20% of its productive workforce?



Tackling Workplace Conflict: Strategies for Healthy Resolution

Every organisation faces conflicts within its team members because of the difference of opinions, values, and principles of one employee to another. However, if these problems aren't settled quickly, it might result in poor decisions and arguments, as well as a higher likelihood of bullying or harassment at work.



The Power of Diversity and Inclusion: Building a Strong Workforce

McKinsey's research highlights the fact that companies with greater diversity within their teams are 35% more inclined to achieve enhanced financial results.



Unveiling Effective Employee Engagement Strategies for Modern Businesses

A recent survey by a leading recruiting agency revealed that 69% of job seekers were not willing to take a job with a company that had a bad employee turnover ratio, even if they were unemployed.



The Unconventional Approach of Top Executive Search Firms in Talent Hunting

Do you know that several organisations outsource their recruitment processes to top executive search firms these days?



How Top Recruiting Consultants Navigate Global Talent Acquisition

According to a report by a leading media outlet, around 53% of organisations globally are outsourcing all or part of their recruitment processes to external HR consultancies



How the Leading HR Consultancy Utilises Innovation for Recruitment

Do you know that the demand for HR consultancies in Bangalore has increased over the past few years?



HR Compliance Made Easy: A Guide to Navigating Labour Laws with the Best HR Consultancy in Bangalore

Do you think an organisation can function properly without following a set of rules and regulations?



HR Consultancy: The Key to Unlocking Organisational Success in Bangalore

According to a recent survey, several firms in Bangalore are resorting to HR consultancies to drive their day-to-day HR-related activities.



What are the Advantages of Using a Temporary Staffing Service

What are the advantages of using a temporary staffing service?



The Importance of Executive Search Partners in Building Strong Organisations

Did you know that executive search partners play a crucial role in building strong organisations?



How do Organisations Benefit from Proper Staffing?

Do you think that the efficiency and productivity of any business are dependent on having a skilled workforce?



How does Outsourcing save you Money & Time?

Did you know that India has been the world's largest and leading offshore IT and BPO destination since the 1980s?



Leveraging ChatGPT in HR Activities

Do you know that 37% of organisations have implemented AI in some form in their workplace in the past 3 years?



These 6 Things Will Change the Way You Approach Permanent Staffing

The world is moving at a fast pace and recent trends indicate significant changes in the workplace in the future.

Top 5 HR Industry Trends to Look Out for in 2023

In a blink of an eye, we are already racing toward the third month of 2023! Phew, the world is moving quickly, and with that, it is bringing massive transformation worldwide



Staff Augmentation in India – 5 Trends to Watch Out For in 2023

This has always posed a question mark for many firms trying to cut down their expenses. But, there is something that can work in this area - STAFF AUGMENTATION!



Hiring Mistakes That Any Organization Should Avoid

Hiring a new employee is a complicated and long process. The recruiters or hiring managers must find the right set of people who can align well with the organization's values and mission.



Using Recruitment Marketing to Attract the Right Talent

It is true that finding a well-paying job is not a cakewalk, but did you know opting for the most suitable candidates for an organization is a cumbersome task as well? In other words, it can be both cumbersome and time-consuming to find and hire the best-in-class candidates for different job roles to accelerate the growth of a company.



New-gen Skillsets That Give You An Edge Over Others In Securing Your Dream Job

Are you looking to start your professional career? Would you like to work in a fulfilling and soul-satisfying job? Do you want to take your career to the next level? If yes, then it is time to acquire some new-age skill sets to accelerate your career growth.



Importance and Career in HR Training Courses

From finance, marketing and production to sales and every other department of any business, HR training plays a crucial role. HR training courses ensure return on investment in form of better competencies in employees, higher levels of productivity, enhanced motivation at the workplace, and yet more advantages.



Five Tips to Boost Productivity at Work

The success of any organization is directly related to productivity within its workplace. Any business or company that desires to attain profitability must undertake and implement certain key steps that enhance the overall productivity of the workers.



How Can HR Improve Internal Communications?

Internal communication is the key element in the success of any organization or company. Strong workplace communication helps achieve the objectives of the company, builds trust, enhances teamwork and cooperation,



The Secret Of Chatbots - Helping The Employer And Employee In HR

Would you like to know about an HR chatbot and its significance in brief? In short, an HR chatbot comes as one of the most popular virtual assistants capable of handling conversations with employers and employees alike.



4 Ways to Maintain a Positive Attitude When Working Remotely

"Work from home" becomes a trend or more specifically, a new-normal concept. Believe it or not, many professionals have already adapted themselves to the remote working lifestyle.



The 7 Most Important Steps To Streamline Onboarding

When it comes to talent acquisition for an organization, one of the most important steps is onboarding. This process is the teamwork of supervisors, managers, HR professionals, and co-workers.



Pre-hiring strategies to achieve your business goals

From creating a strong impression of the organization to implementing the diverse hiring strategies and policies of the company, the recruiters and HR personnel play a dynamic role in the success of any company.

HR Industry Trends Companies Should Consider Adopting in 2022

The latest industry trends are showing massive changes in terms of employee selection, work ethics, work environment, and so on. And these changes would be continued to roll in upcoming years. Are you enthusiastic to know some of the key HR trends of 2022? Let us check it out.



5 ways HR Shiras takes the stress out of your Recruitment strategy

A recruiter's job is not only to set up candidates for interviews, but also to discuss with their client what experience, qualification, skill set, or hard skills they require in a candidate.



How to make a talented resource pool with HR Consultancy?

The talent market is booming and is dynamic as well, partly because the barriers of accessing the global talent are getting dissolved, partly because resources are upgrading themselves very regularly.



Top 7 Reasons to Conduct Performance Appraisals

It is undeniable that conducting performance appraisals in the workplace will bring the best out of your employees.



Top 7 Reasons to Conduct Performance Appraisals

It is undeniable that conducting performance appraisals in the workplace will bring the best out of your employees.



What Workforce Strategies Need to Be Implemented Post COVID as A HR?

As we are overcoming the terror of the deadly virus, we see new changes and trends that are reshaping the world around us.



Role of modern technology in disrupting the BPO landscape

Business process outsourcing, for quite a long time, has helped businesses to cut down their costs of essential business tasks and thereby improve profitability.



Smarter way to minimize wastage of working hours

You see your employees come to office every day, sit in their designated workstation, log in and log out on time; but are you sure they are utilizing their working hours to the fullest? The answer would probably be no!



10 Best Job Interview Tips for Freshers and Experienced

Once you have finished your formal education you are now set to enter employment life; your first evaluation will be thorough interviews. Even if you are an experienced professional, interviews will continue to be a part of your career life.



How Working with Specialist HR Consultants boosts your Business

An organization is run by its employees and a primary function of an HR consultant is to ensure that the company’s resource base is of optimum efficiency to serve the best interest of the organization.



Benefits of Recruitment Process Outsourcing Services

The talent market is booming and is dynamic as well, partly because the barriers of accessing the global talent are getting dissolved, partly because resources are upgrading themselves very regularly. Business across the globe are facing a rough time not only in finding and recruiting the best talents but also in retaining them specially with the growth of freelance work culture.



The Role of HR in Employee Experience: Ways to Encourage Positivity in the Workplace

A business runs on the productivity and performance of its employees and an organization that provides a positive environment for employer enjoys their optimum productivity.



How Consultancy drives your Career Future

Whether it is a young careerist or student, both have a passion to achieve or become something. So what drives their career passion forward is a consultancy. A key role of the consultancy is to provide expert and strategic advice and source talent to companies across industries.



Has Probation turned a blind spot for New Hires and Managers?

Beyond a successful job interview and job offer, Probation is trial time set by companies and organizations to ensure that the new hires understand organizational goals and enhance its performance in future.



Know- The Advantages of Using a Recruitment Agency

Running a recruitment agency in today’s technology-driven global atmosphere can be both rewarding as well as challenging.



Let’s see 5 Ways to Make Your Job Search Easy!

Looking for a job is a complicated process that comes with challenges However, there are several ways to optimize your job search and find success.



HRM in the Digital Age

Human Resource, the crucial link between an organization and its employee, is an umbrella term used to describe a host of activities performed, starting from hiring to administration work.



Deduction in Salary! What can you do to cope with it?

The COVID 19 calamity has not only spelled disaster for human health but also spilled its effects on economic activity worldwide. With countries coming to a standstill, and lockdown measure initiated to minimize the impact of the infection, a lot of businesses and organizations are on the brink of collapse.



Building and Maintaining Employer-Employee Relationship

Maintaining a positive and cordial relationship in today’s business environment is important for the organization to succeed. Since companies are run by teams, it is necessary to have a great working relationship with them.



Appreciation Matters in Workplace Environment

Doesn’t it feel good when someone acknowledges your work and appreciates your contribution? Just a few kind words can create a surge of happiness which will keep your mood elevated for the rest of the day.



How to Upgrade Your Professional skills in This Lockdown!

This period of lockdown can be the best time to update yourself and learn new skills that will benefit your career. The things that you can learn at home now, will help you become better when you come out of quarantine as a new and improved professional!



Impact of COVID 19 on jobs

The coronavirus pandemic has the world gripped in fear with serious implications on the economy that has left people worried about their jobs and livelihood.



A Strong Resume for a remarkable career

In today’s competitive job market, having a strong resume has become one of the most important requirements that employers look for in candidates.



Shiras HR Advisory and Services

Shiras HR Advisory and Services is the top recruitment firm in Bangalore, India. It has been a commendable talent acquisition firm in the market that caters to the human capital for the corporate industry.



IT Recession 2020

The Indian economy is hitting a rough patch, and there is a slowdown in the growth rate in the GDP of the economy. There has been a slip in the first quarterly of the FY20 and it has been the lowest in six years.



How to find a good Recruitment Agency

A good recruitment agency is one that is paid to look for employees for other companies. To put it in other words, a recruitment agency works like intermediaries between companies who are looking for jobs employees and people who are looking for jobs.



Advantages of Outsourcing Recruitment

The process of recruitment is still new for a lot of companies. There are 500 million-plus white-collar employees and out of which only 40 million people have their name, company and location available online.



The best HR recruitment consultancy for your company

A lot is at stake for your company when it comes to hiring a recruiting agency as it requires more than your gut instinct to trust one. Your decision while hiring a good HR recruitment consultancy will influence the growth and development of your company in the long run as they provide the best talents who play a major role in the progress of your business.



The best and reliable B2B Recruitment Consultancies

The best talent is often hard to find and even more so when your business’ growth and development are at stake. Relying on an external agency to find the best talent for the progress of your business is thus a necessary action you need to take.



Hype Cycle for Digital Workplace

Flying taxis and deliveries through drones through a far off notion yet seemingly possible make for a fascinating concept. Even more so while considering the digital progress the world is making today.



Decoding the expectations of the new-age digitally-inclined B2B customers

Today’s world is digital-centric slowly advancing towards technological progress, for instance; the development and incorporation of artificial intelligence would sooner or later influence the working of the society.



Your Guide to a Successful Career Change

It is imperative to pursue a career path that would reward you financially, emotionally, spiritually, and otherwise. If your current job is not offering you that wholesome satisfaction and if you feel you deserve more, then you may consider changing your career.



Modernization of Traditional Human Resource Services

Over the past years, the landscape of human resources has drastically changed. With significant shifts applied in the delivery of HR solutions as their role is not limited to the traditional model of HR. In fact, the traditional HR-related services are dramatically being replaced with more modern ones.



Seven Aspects to consider when choosing the Right Consultants for your Organization

Choosing a reliable consulting firm for your B2B business can be tough and intimidating. Though there are so many consultants available in the business market, you may still get confused or not understand the finer details to consider when it narrows down to distinguishing one consultant from the other.



Classification of Business Consultants

Generally, a consultant is a professional who offers professional or expert advice pertaining to a specialized field or industry vertical. In the medical sphere, the term consultant is specifically used for a grade of doctor. There are different kinds of business consultants who have broad knowledge related to particular subjects in their niche industry.



Promote your business one vertical market at a time

B2B businesses are found in every other industry or vertical right from manufacturing to retail. Wherever a business transaction occurs one can be certain to witness active participation from the B2B advisory firms as well. The fact remains as every B2C firm requires certain products, services, and professional counsel enabling every B2C firm to generate B2B activities.



Catering to the different B2B Customers or Buyers

It is paramount for a B2B or B2C business or marketer to be customer oriented but when compared to B2C only 14% of B2B businesses are customer-centric. The major reason for this is most of the B2B marketers do not give prominence to or fail to understand the mindset of a B2B buyer.



B2B and B2C – Discovering the differences

To begin with, B2C and B2B are two kinds of commercial transactions where B2C stands for Business-to-Consumer and B2B stands for Business-to-Business transaction respectively. Both imply selling of products or services wherein B2C the end customer is a consumer and in B2B the end customer is another business or company.



All you need to know about B2B transactions

Over the years, B2B marketing in its own right has gained prominence equaling B2C that concerns the end consumers or the general public.Although it is business-centric and involves the transaction or commerce involving businesses, consumers today are invested in understanding the working of a typical B2B business.



Why should a B2B use Social Media?

For a successful B2B marketing strategy, your business needs to have a clear vision; it also requires identifying and defining the business’ audience after which you need to put forth the right content and campaigns and optimize the same for effective marketing of your business.



Connecting with the right B2B consultancy

Having the right B2B recruitment consultancy for your business whether small or big will make a huge difference where acquiring the right talent for the growth and progress of your business is concerned.



All you need to know about B2B Business

Business-to-business or B2B or, in some instances, also known as BtoB is a situation or commerce where one business makes a commercial transaction with another where the transaction could be a service or a product.

Marketing Trends and Challenges for B2B Marketing in 2019

In a nutshell, business-to-business marketing or B2B marketing involves the selling of one company’s services and products to another company. It also refers to the best practices and business approach utilized by companies with services and products sold to other businesses.



Developing a strong employer branding strategy

Charisma, an interpersonal skill is defined as the amalgamation of strong moral values, self-confidence, and a desire to influence others with a lasting impact. Personal charisma is the result of effective communication and other interpersonal skills. Hence, like all the interpersonal skills, charisma can also be learned and developed.



Personal Charisma – the Crowning Glory of an ideal HR Employee

Charisma, an interpersonal skill is defined as the amalgamation of strong moral values, self-confidence, and a desire to influence others with a lasting impact.



Building a Candidate's Persona

Everybody knows why we draw a blueprint of a house or building. The blueprint will show what we want as our final product, what is possible and not possible in the laid out plan, and what can / needs to be changed to help make that product happen. A blueprint always helps us get a better glimpse of what we are seeking, and work accordingly.



How does Passive Recruiting Help?

A tree cannot bear fruit in a day, it takes years. A bird doesn’t build a nest in a few hours it might take a few days. Likewise, you cannot expect to fill in vacancies with quality candidates as and when they fall vacant. Most people think that recruitment happens only when there is a need but recruitment is an ongoing process. There is a lot of work that must go on under the surface, for the result to show on the outside. This can be called passive recruiting.



All Your Staffing Requirements Met Under One Roof

In any business growth chart, there are three major levels in progression - the startups, the intermediate level, and the established firms. Although there are various criteria to compare and contrast their progression, they all have one main requirement that never dies down - staffing.



How to get yourself to say, "I got the job!"

So, you've landed yourself with a call for an interview from a pretty decent place, which you had applied for. Well, you’re halfway there, but you still have the latter half to complete.



How to Find a Job (Effortlessly)?

You're at the starting line of your career. Or you just want to shift your track. Or you have ended your employment with a previous firm.



Types of Recruitment

Recruitment and its many aspects are too much to grasp. It takes many years to master the processes involved in the industry, like any other field. But one can start off trying to know what recruitment is and the types of it.



Top Recruitment Agencies in India

With the increase in the number of recruitment agencies in India, there are many changes occurring in the dynamics of the recruitment industry.



Future of Recruitment Agencies in Digital

The world is spinning at the speed of light with digitalization and automation increasingly gripping almost all the areas of human life. Many sectors and industries have embraced the benefits of technology.



Tips for Writing a Resume (with sample)

You are looking for job vacancies in Bangalore. A great profile comes your way. You want to get that job beyond doubt. But there are a thousand others like you contending for the same. For any employer to catch your stunning profile among thousands of others', an equally stunning resume has to be sent over.



Key Pointers on Recruiting the Right Software Developer

The way things function in a website or software is always fascinating. But to have an ideal user interface, the developer, or rather, the software developer has to have everything in place. If you want your applications to be as gripping, you must have a web developer along the same lines. Finding one can be difficult, but finding a good one is not so difficult when you stick to these pointers as you search for one.



HR Interview Questions that you should be ready for Interview

We often prepare for interviews with the right attire, materials and the right behavior to put up before the interviewers. But we are caught off guard when we are faced by questions that we were not prepared for and our responses of hesitation or of being unsure may downplay our image as a competent candidate.



How HR Recruitment Firms Provide Better Solutions

Though children are capable of making their choices, they often need support and guidance from an experienced, and knowledgeable adult. Likewise, while we think we can do a lot of things on our own, we usually refer to someone who has been in that situation previously and are aware of the different things involved.



Top Efficient Practices for Bulk Hiring Recruitment

Mass recruitment or bulk hiring often applies to a hiring practice in sectors such as manufacturing, retail, and hospitality. This is usually done when the client wants to expand their business or wants to start a new undertaking.

Best Recruitment Trends That Dominate in 2018

The recruitment professionals have a lot of groundwork before they put their plan to work. At any given time, it is imperative that recruiters and hiring managers must remain competitive, relevant and socially aware for better recruiting.



Challenges Faced by Startups When Hiring Candidates

Any hiring process involves a lot of time, effort and commitment to making that process end successfully and even so, ensuring that the position hired for does not fall vacant again for a long time.



Benefits of Having an HR Recruiting Firm

One may question the need of seeking the hand of an HR recruiting firm, trusting one’s own organizational capabilities or hiring and recruiting. Although that is not a wrong opinion, it is important to remember that the sole purpose of having an HR recruiting firm help you, is to benefit your very own organization.



Tips for Selecting the Right Recruitment Agency for You

Today, things have changed drastically in the face of job seeking. There are many HR Consultancies in Bangalore that are set up keeping in mind the plight of job-seekers. They maintain and administer a separate division that caters to the needs of job-seekers



Ways to Climbing the Recruitment Career Ladder

Being a recruiter is a massively stressful profession that sucks out a lot of your energy and efforts. It is a journey that involves you pouring in a lot of your time into your company that results in reaping a large equity.



5 Effective Reasons Why You Need a Recruitment and Selection Policy

HR Recruiting Firms in Bangalore are aplenty. There is a tough competition between them which requires one to be ahead of the others to recruit as many able candidates as possible.



5 Best Practices in Recruitment and Selection Process

Recruitment is a very a strenuous job as it requires a lot of tact and patience. One has to understand the seriousness of recruitment as time, money and effort cannot be wasted. The organization invests a lot of it and so, it very important to get the best of resources in the market.



How to Choose the Best HR Consulting Agency

HR consulting agencies are more in demand today than ever. They support both start-ups and established organizations in multi-dimensional ways by catering to all their HR needs. As a result, a huge number of such agencies have cropped up in the market.



5 Ways Recruitment Strategies Will Help You Get the Right Candidate

A good organization is built by a good working force. But having to run and maintain an organization is a challenge on its own, let alone recruiting and hiring able staff members.



How HR Departments Can Do More by Doing Less

Talking about Human Resources (HR), they are the ones who manage the daily functions of the organisation. They do everything that is related to the employees. Unfortunately, many whispers say that not a lot of work and energy goes into their HR activities.



Reasons Your Performance Appraisals Don't Work

Performance appraisals have always been defamed by the corporate houses for some reason that no one knows about. Even then, most of the companies still use this in their respective companies.



Tips for Minimizing Workplace Negativity

As a company head or a human resource manager, there are times when you need to shift your focus from business to the employees in your organization. Though you get a regular update regarding work and know about the workplace, there are certain things that have to be seen closely, with a slight touch of sensation.



12 Tips for Team Building: How to Build Successful Work Teams

Michael Jordan, the former American Basketball player once said, "Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships." Living by his words, we bring to you an article that will help you and your business to have an effective team.



Five tips to Manage Absence At Workplace

Taking a closer look at an employee’s absence – it does cost a significant loss to the company. There are many who say that the cost is minor but depending on the leave duration, if not the monetary value, the work does cost enough.



The Four C’s to Improve Your Onboarding Strategy

When Tom went to his new company with loads of excitement and a bit of nervousness, he looked around, and felt himself lost in the middle of a huge building. He discovered that the address mentioned was not complete. Waiting outside for some time, he contacted the HR after which he was guided through and reached the correct office building



Major Trends for the HR Professionals

Whether the company is a startup or a multinational company, having the right recruitment and selection strategies is paramount towards the success of any organization.



Tips to recruit and retain great talents in small businesses

The quality of team you have around you is a major factor when it comes to the success ratio of a business, be it small scale or large scale. For small businesses, it’s always tough to find great talent. They have to fight with big companies on many fronts, including recruiting and hiring great talents.



5 Quick tips for Candidates about Executive Recruiters

As a job seeker, you might be getting calls from recruiters on a daily basis. Recruiters are a diverse lot. The best recruiters can even woo the most passive candidates. In this blog, we mainly discourse about Executive Recruiters.



5 Tips for hiring active and passive candidates

Hiring is a long process and challenging too. The first step for the perfect hiring is to plan up well, have a set of strategies and most importantly understand the type of candidates and sort them accordingly.

How Social Media helps in Job Search?

Social Media has come a long way today. There are over 3 billion people using social media networking websites as of now, and that is about 40% of the global population. Now, when it comes to job search, social media plays a key role.



Mistakes people make while on a job hunt

It’s quite common to land on errors while on a job hunt. Even the slightest of the errors you make can cost you the job. Job hunting is all about being careful. You should be careful as to what you write and what not to write on your resume, your etiquette, the way you present yourself and a lot more things.



Smart work OR Hard work?

The debate on working hard vs. working smart, never actually ends. An eminent personality once said, “Workaholics aren’t heroes, they don’t save the day, they use it up. The real hero is already home because she figured out a faster way to get things done? This is the absolute truth. People work whole day long, but in the end, they won’t gain the result of their hard work.



Problems faced by Start-ups Companies

A famous quote by Henry Ford goes like this, “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off of the goal?. When your concentration is centered on your goals, then obstacles doesn’t matter nor do they make a difference. Same is the case with Start-up companies, they face terrible struggles in the initial phase.



Secrets to crack an interview

Interviews take you one step closer to achieve your goals. Have you ever thought why you were short-listed for an interview? Yes, your resume was presentable and most importantly your skills, qualifications and experiences match the requirements



How to retain Millennials in the workplace

Do you know what is common between Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, Airbnb and Instagram? Besides being famous and catering to millennials as their global target audience, all of these companies were founded by millennials.



Artificial Intelligence and the Impact of AI in Human Resources

John McCarthy, Father of Artificial Intelligence, coined the term Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the very first time in the year 1955. He said that AI is the science and engineering of developing smart machines, particularly, intelligent computer programs.



Difference between Talent Acquisition and Recruitment

Most people have the misconception that talent acquisition and recruitment are one and the same. Well, it is not. Both approaches are valuable depending on the situations. Talent acquisition tends to be strategic, while the recruitment is more tactical. Understanding the differences between them and adapting the acquisition process accordingly can help in hiring the best talent.

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