
Major Trends for the HR Professionals



Major Trends for the HR Professionals

March 21, 2018

Whether the company is a startup or a multinational company, having the right recruitment and selection strategies is paramount towards the success of any organization.

Recruitment is an integral part of the selection procedure. It means to search the potential candidates who can be reviewed on the basis of their experience and skills against the requirement set by the organization for a particular job profile. Once the candidates have been selected from the entire lot, the shortlisting process comes into the picture. It is the ultimate step where the right candidate is appointed for the role which would be most suitable for his candidature.

As HR professionals, have you ever thought why big companies get the best candidates on board, sooner? Do these companies closely keep a track on the candidates looking out for opportunities, or do they strategize their recruitment methods to upgrade their process along with the modern changes happening around?!

As the world of every work changes, everything around should change with time. It is necessary for the recruiting team to innovate its recruitment and selection procedure to build a strong workforce. Having the traditional way of recruiting candidates will either end up having the wrong candidate or lose out on the best candidate for the vacant job role.

Reaching out to the right candidature, the recruiting team, i.e. the HR should have various strategies planned in advance. Along with planning, innovative approaches should be prearranged in order to hire the right applicant for the right job.

If you want to know what these strategies could be– then keep on reading!

Talent Network

When a requirement reaches the HR department, it is the responsibility of the HR to start off with the selection procedure immediately, rather than doing a hasty hiring later. One of the most effective recruitment procedure is hiring candidates through Talent Networks. This comes when a company or a startup creates an eye-catching ‘career’ section on their website where the candidates looking for opportunities can register and receive all the openings, in times of vacancy. The engagement through this is direct and strong as the candidates know what the company status is and how fruitful the opportunity would be for them in future. On the other hand, the HR finds it easy to look out for candidates on their database rather than switching through various job portals.

Application Tracking System (ATS)

When we talk about the modern workforce, technology has to be a part of it. Though there is much software built for the recruitment and selection process, ATS is the most highlighted of all. Using this software, it will help the HR to save time and shortlist the best out of the thousands of applications. This is also the software that the big companies use that makes their recruitment more resourceful. Through ATS or such software, employers can track down on the applicants, communicate with them and then filter out the right profiles from the entire lot. This software is also relevant for the company to keep a track of their employers working with them.

Mobile Recruitment

Since the time mobile devices have entered, our lives have changed. For everything we do, the mobile device is the most preferred device to access the internet. Since this is significantly real, the HR should now prefer to recruit and select candidates through the mobile application which is easily accessible to both the recruiting team as well as the candidates looking for opportunities. This strategy comes into force because it is easy and very convenient to use, the portal can be accessed from anywhere and people can check for opportunities or requirements that are needed by the companies. Though laptops and computers are used, for the modern workforce, it is the mobile device that should be strategized before the computer system.

Social Media

Today the world is going digital, and so are the people. The recruitment and selection process is touching that aspect where no one can ignore. Social Media has been the best resource for every business. For the recruiting team, it is the new method to reach out to the desired candidates and get the engagement immediately. As social media is growing, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter has become the most preferred platforms for the recruitment professionals. With a single post on any of these social media sites, the candidate gets aware of the vacancy and can directly apply without going through any job portal. People can also let their acquaintances know through social media about any opportunity they come across. It is easy and the information received is always first hand.

After reading the said strategies, if you haven’t yet used them – then you have to start doing so. Along with these strategies, you also need to trust the data on your analytics tools. They can bring the best results for the recruitment process.