
Modernization of Traditional Human Resource Services



Modernization of Traditional Human Resource Services

April, 1 2019

Over the past years, the landscape of human resources has drastically changed. With significant shifts applied in the delivery of HR solutions as their role is not limited to the traditional model of HR. In fact, the traditional HR-related services are dramatically being replaced with more modern ones. Not just the technological advancements implemented in the functioning of an organization’s typical HR department but also the transformed roles of HR personnel making them one of the major stakeholders determining the efficiency, growth, and progress of an organization.

Modern HR services evolving beyond the traditional process orientation and functional activities

The traditional approach to human resource management is limited to functional activities and process orientation. The functional activities include job analysis, human resource planning, recruitment, and selection, maintaining employee relations, compensation management, performance appraisal, and training and development. Establishing policies, procedures, contracts, guidelines, organizational goals, etc. and ensuring the employees adhere to these tailored documents constitute process orientation.

Today's world is pacing towards globalization. Right from an information economy to the application of AI, to name a few, emphasize the role of technology and transferable skills to succeed in the fast-progressing modern world. Hence, it is crucial for a business’ HR services to evolve beyond the traditional process by adopting modern ones.

New Roles of HR contradicting with the traditional roles

The model outlook of the evolved role of the HR professional finds them in roles like that of a strategic partner and an employee sponsor or advocate as the top B2C and B2B consultancies. Strategic Partner: In today’s highly competitive organizations, the HR professional must think of themselves as strategic partners to ensure their sustainability and the ability to contribute towards the growth and efficiency of the organization. As a strategic partner, the HR professional would play a vital role in both the development and accomplishment of the company’s business plan and objectives. In fact, the HR business objectives revolve around supporting the attainment and accomplishment of the company’s whole strategic business plan and objectives. In this scenario, the strategic HR professional or representative has profound expertise in the work systems and plans aimed towards successful and productive outputs.

The strategic partnerships impact the other HR services like hiring, reward recognition, strategic pay, appraisal systems, employee development, and other traditional functional activities and process orientation where every aspect of the personnel management component is designed or implemented in terms of strategic growth and business success. To achieve this, the HR professional must think like a strategic manager or business owner having expertise in finance and accounts where they are both responsible and accountable in implementing cost reductions and other measures pertaining to the HR programs, activities, and processes.

Modern HR as an Employee Advocate: The HR professional or representative plays an essential role in the success of an organization through their knowledge about the employees as an employee advocate or employee sponsor. It includes and not limited to garnering expertise in creating a work environment where the employees feel motivated and happy to contribute towards the growth of the company.

As an employee advocate, HR representatives can promote effective methods of communication, goal setting, etc. to build employee ownership of the organization such that the employees have the concern, commitment, and the competency to serve the clients well. To achieve this end result, the HR manager creates talent management strategies along with employee development opportunities, employee assistance programs, profit-sharing strategies, interventions for the development of the organization, problem-solving, etc.

Adopting technology to handle the modern workforce

Traditional HR roles required critical skills like negotiation, skills, communication, multi-tasking, and decision-making skills. These skills are also crucial in modern human resource services but, the modern workforce along with these critical skills also requires the HR to be: accessible to the employees beyond the traditional office hours; approach workplace culture and benefits in ways ensuring employee retention; proactive where training and development are concerned.

Some of the top B2B and B2C HR consultancies now use technology to achieve employee efficiency along with the above-mentioned aspects which highlight the importance of adopting technology in handling the modern workforce to evolve beyond the tradition HR services.